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January 2010

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Shanghai Moore Memorial Church (Mu’en Church)

Today we visited the Moore Memorial Church, otherwise known as Mu-en Church. It is located in Shanghai on Xizang Lu, in the middle of department stores and across from People’s Square.

Frommer’s states:This church was established by American missionaries in 1887 and expanded in 1931 to seat more than 1,000 worshippers. It has built up a local membership that numbers in the thousands since reopening in 1979 after its closure during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76).

Originally the Methodist church of Shanghai, the nondenominational church has a Chinese woman serving as its pastor. Two bishops were consecrated here in 1988, the first in China in 3 decades; the same year, American evangelist Billy Graham preached here.

We were unable to visit the inside of the church, as there is renovation taking place. A sign we saw stated that they had Christmas services a few weeks ago, and the structure generally looks to be in good shape.

The above sign states Shanghai Three-self Patriotic Movement Committee.

This sign states Shanghai Christianity Affairs Committee, not sure if this is the same with China Christian Council.

The characters above the gate says “Truth gives you freedom.”

As you have probably concluded so far, older Chinese churches have simple styles and decor. So far, we haven’t seen any church that has comparable richness and beauty of the churches you would see in Europe or North America.

In the early days of Christianity in China, utility might be more important. What mattered is that these houses of God were erected. Plus, one can find beauty in simplicity.

8 comments to Shanghai Moore Memorial Church (Mu’en Church)

  • ronald rayner

    may God bless your Church may peace walk all your ways in your Church psalm 88 1-2 OLord the God who Saves me day and night I cry out before you turn your ear to my cry. may god reveal my prayer to you the reader amen

  • ronald rayner

    may God bless your Church may peace walk all your ways in your Church psalm 88 1-2 OLord the God who Saves me day and night I cry out before you turn your ear to my cry. may god reveal my prayer to you the reader amen

  • Miss Ngu

    When is the church’s sunday service?

  • sl wahala

    We recently returned from our tour of China. this church was on our itinerery but we were taken to a Holocaust museum instead. We are sorry to have missed this place. It looks so majestic. Now that I know were the People’s Square is, if we return we will certainly come and visit.

  • Good Gifts Fair


    -慈善“礼品”展是上海首个也是唯一一个此类型的独特新颖的 “ 礼品”展活



    慈善礼品展将定于2011年12月3日 (周六)10:00-16:00在位于徐汇区乌鲁木齐中路164号的湖南社区文化活动中心隆重举行。此次温馨家庭活动免费参加,现场音乐,家庭游戏以及茶点也为活动现场更增添了节日气氛。

    除了筹集善款之外, 慈善礼品展还为在帮助中国环境方面卓有成效的当地、国内和国际的慈善机构和非盈利组织获得更多公众曝光率和支持率,重申了价值观,而这些价值观往往有时候很容易在节日前的购物高峰期被人所遗忘。上年我们举办的第一届活动就好评如潮,观众参与人数达到了500多人,为参加的15个慈善机构以及其各种各样的环保创举活动共计捐赠了20,000 多元。

    慈善礼品展活动率先在美国发展, 根据“新美国梦中心”(the Center for a New American Dream in USA)的信息表明, 在假日期间,情感礼物已在在全美流行开来。慈善礼品展使得上海市民能够参与到这个爱 心社区活动中来,通过赠送真正有意义的礼物给您的亲朋好友,来共同庆祝节日,感受喜悦。

    慈善礼品展是由来自不同领域的专家团队组织的-包括环保设计展的Sherry Poon, 公益加油站的张宁以及 艺春网络的George Kaye.

    Sherry Poon (英文);
    卢伟英 (中文);
    T: +86 21 6247 0577
    [email protected]

  • Shirley J. Carter

    Hi, My Son visited your Church recently, and he enjoyed the service very much, I am so happy that you are serving out Lord, and pray that all of you will be protected, and safe through these end times, and that God will cover all of you with His precious blood, like He did with Gideon and his army, God has not forgotten you, we do not understand why some of the human race has to go though the things that you have to go through, but we know that God is still on the throne, and He watches out for His own. Remember it’s JUST A LITTLE WHILE TO STAY HERE, then all of us will be with Jesus, what a blessed thought, I pray that God will continually bless you real big. We love you and are praying for you. Shirley J. Carter

  • Hans Li Han

    God bless me and all of his sons and daughters in China. I will be baptized at Moore this June. Thank God. Amen.

  • Jorge Cassinelli

    Dear Madam/Sir, I live in Rome, Italy and soon will be transferred to Shanghai where for working reasons I shall stay about two years.

    One important aspect for me it is to find a suitable reformed church where to worship God.

    I am member of the Waldensian Church

    The Waldensian Church is strictly based on the Word of the Lord. Beside, we do not have service with loud music or drum batteries and amplified guitars.

    Always use organs, harmoniums or pianos and worship the Lord together also singing. In our services you will not find people who yell or raise their arms, but all in unison worship God as a community following the same aesthetics of musical expression, which should not become a spectacle in itself.

    Maybe you can help me find a church that respects these parameters.

    I was looking into the background of the Shanghai Moore Memorial Church (Mu’en Church), but I ignore if they have English language service.

    The denominations closest to ours is the Methodist or Presbyterian, the latter with Calvinist tradition, as it is the case with the Waldensian Church.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

    Jorge Cassinelli

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