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Recent Comments

Comments & Answers

We receive many comments and questions from all over the world on the conditions of Christians in China. Some of them can be useful to other readers, so we are posting them on this single page for your convenience.

COMMENT: I was looking on website and saw the news about your open air service and your detention.i am a born again christian and i live in northern ireland. in our church we pray for our brothers and sisters in other lands who have not this wonderful freedom to gather together both indoors and outdoors to praise GOD. i totally believe that GOD will bless you and keep you as you serve him and proclaim the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. you are in my prayers. your brother in the LORD john
john t
Submitted on 2011/04/10

ANSWER: Thank you, John. seeks to report on the current conditions of Christians in China to the world. We consider ourselves a group of dutiful investigators. We are not a religious organization, though we greatly sympathize anyone who’s subjected to tyranny and we admire people who are courageous enough to confront powerful dictators.

COMMENT: Could I know the Sunday service/worship time? (Comment on post: A Trip Back to Shanghai Moore Memorial Church)
Submitted on 2011/04/09

ANSWER: Every Sunday at 7am, 9am, 2pm and 7pm. Though we did not verify this information. Please call 8621-63225069 to verify before you go.

COMMENT: I wish to enquirer the full address of the Mu’en Church. My uncle & aunt have just been converted to the Lord when I visited them. Now I am back to Hongkong. I needed to search for them a nearby church for them to worship God.
Submitted on 2010/6/12

ANSWER: The address of Shanghai Mu’en Church is:

Xizang Zhong Lu 316
Shanghai, China
Tel: 8621-63225069

: This site gives off a “state-run” vibe…..
Gina F
Submitted on 2010/06/19

: Click “About” to see who are running this website.

Your comment reflects a common mindset among people outside of China, that if a website does not write about Christians being prosecuted in China, it is probably run by the government to white-wash the real situation.

But we have personally visited many state-run churches and met many Chinese Christians. They are not prosecuted. We think it is possibly true that the 20 to 50 million members of China’s official churches can practice their religion freely.

Naturally, your next questions will be: Will the Chinese government’s control on the church extend beyond the political and organizational realm? Will they try to intervene the church’s theology? Does that mean the Christian belief might be compromised as a result?

We do not know. From what we have seen, the state-run churches are foremost gospel churches. Even if they do call on its members to love their country, it seems secondary.

The question of Christians prosecution rests almost entirely among the vast numbers of underground church members, estimated at 70 to 120 million in total. On top of these vast numbers, these churches are loosely structured and exist in China’s remote countryside. The difficulty of studying their conditions faces enormous challenges.

: Do you know who I could contact about coming to China to minister to women emotionally damaged by abortion? We do post abortion healing and ministry.
Submitted on 2011/03/05

ANSWER: We currently do not know anyone or any organization to help you. But we will keep this in mind in our future investigations. We are posting your question here and hope others who can help will get in touch.

We wish to add a BBS to this website so that this can be an information exchange platform. This is why we are trying our best to keep our website available in China so people here can visit this site also.


COMMENT: Sorry to bother you but who is the author of this article?


Submitted on 2011/09/28

ANSWER: Thank you for your inquiry, Shonda. The author of all the content of this website is